Gift Basket

Gift Basket


Looking for that special way to say Thank you, Get Well, Happy Birthday or just want to bring a smile to someones face? You can’t go wrong with sending gift basket with our homemade chocolates. In addition to our chocolates baskets also include a variety of seasonal goodies, hard candy, cookies and crackers, all depending on inventory and time of year.

SKU: N/A Category:


Looking for that special way to say Thank you, Get Well, Happy Birthday or just want to bring a smile to someones face? You can’t go wrong with sending gift basket with our homemade chocolates. In addition to our chocolates, baskets also include a variety of seasonal goodies, hard candy, cookies and crackers, all depending on inventory and time of year.

Additional information

Basket Size

Small, Medium, Large


Everyday, Get Well, Thank You, Happy Birthday, Happy Anniversary

Type of Chocolate

Both, Dark, Milk


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